Ball Race

We’re excited to announce our Ball Race fundraiser. Look out for posters in and around Ballydehob where you can enter to win a great prize and help with our fundraising.

Here are the prizes you can win:

  1. Restaurant Chestnut Signature Tasting Menu for 2 people plus one night Airbnb accommodation
  2. €250 voucher Drombea Glamping, Ballydehob
  3. 3 nights Airbnb, Main Street, Ballydehob
  4. 2 Nights Cassidy’s Cottage
  5. 2 seater bench, Kilcoe Sawmill
  6. Josephine Guilfoyle oil painting sponsored by Aisling Gallery
  7. Rory Conner Handcrafted cheese knife
  8. 2 tickets for Declan Nerney concert and 2 tickets for Michael English concert sponsored by Ballydehob Country Music Festival 2024
  9. 2 €50 vouchers sponsored by Antonios Restaurant
  10. 2 €50 vouchers sponsored by Carbery Oils Ltd
  11. 2 €30 vouchers sponsored by Bally Bia
  12. €50 voucher sponsored by Budds
  13. €50 voucher sponsored by Oakwood Aerial Photography
  14. €100 cash prize sponsored by Whizzer Scissors
  15. Dinner for 4 with wine sponsored by Yay Burger
  16. Dinner for 4 sponsored by Levis’ Food Truck
  17. Fish and Chips for 4 sponsored by Sean Ogs
  18. Drinks Hamper sponsored by the Irish Whip
  19. Weekend Pass for 2 sponsored by Ballydehob Jazz Festival 2024
  20. 2 tickets for Friday night and Saturday night concerts sponsored by Ballydehob Trad Music Festival 2024

Many thanks to everyone who donated prizes!

Ball race poster

Ball race poster

Ball race prizes

Ball race prizes